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Drinking the dark coffee in Jerusalem

by 하 루 살 이 2018. 1. 17.

When I return to my country from Israel trip and concentrate on my work, I suddenly think of Israel. 


Before going to Israel, I was exhausted from work and I wanted to rest for a while. I wanted to go somewhere. I thought that it will be good for me even if it is a very short time. I thought of Israel. And I went to Israel.


Israel is a country where Jews, who have survived a series of disgrace and failure, and the annihilation of nations, live. The Jews feel the threat of survival, regardless of time and time, but still lead life. I wanted to see their faces and smiles. When I looked back at my life from the way they were living, it seemed like I could gain strength again.


I did not know exactly what I wanted to find in Israel, I just went to Israel with this idea. 




The long flight was also a time of great happiness for me. 

I was able to completely separate my job in the airplane. No one could contact me. I also could not contact anyone. I thought that it is 14 hours of freedom.


I fell asleep from the movie, woke up again, read the book, reminded of Israel, and took a new life. Two thousand years ago, the Israelites heard the voice of Jesus who said that one day's suffering was enough on that day. They also thought that they might have seen the possibility of freedom similar to this.




This photo makes me feel better. The Israeli coffee was something different from the franchise coffee that was common in Korea. I was moved by the Jerusalem coffee. It was the deep and deep coffee. I thought about my life through coffee. I thought what life was through coffee.


How can you explain this taste? The coffee that was wrapped around tongue was rough, and a deep smell remained in my mouth for a long time. I thought this is the coffee. I took picture with a poor coffee man. His small smile was included in the photograph.


I continued walking in Jerusalem. I tried to put the image of Israel into memory. I will remember Jerusalem when my heart darkens in the future. It was to say that this trip was successful. Moreover, it was to become a backbone of life later. I thought traveling was so necessary. Then I will leave for hope to a new place like Jerusalem.




I took a seat in an open-air café selling fruit juice. The owner made the juice. Drinking it, I wrote down the moment carefully, just as I always did. I thought it was a place I could not come back to, and I wrote more politely. I recorded my day when my emotions were calm and restrained. To remember this time. I wrote down my feelings carefully.
